Paul Hintermayer, MJur (Oxford)

- Commercial and Corporate Law
- Private Clients
- Tax Law
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Universities of Regensburg, Helsinki, Oxford (Magister Juris) and Munich (doctoral studies)
Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Admitted as Attorney at Law (Rechtsanwalt) (2024)
2020–2023: Research Fellow with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Schön at the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance
Since 2024: Dissmann Orth
On the Validity and Scope of Macro-Coherence, 62 European Taxation 2022 2/3, S. 74–85 (with Savvas Kostikidis)
Rezension von P. Hasson, Is Sunlight the Best Disinfectant? Reassessing BEPS Action 5’s Tax Ruling Transparency (University of Pennsylvania Law Review 2021, S. 1545–1605), Steuer und Wirtschaft 2/2022, S. 179–180